What’s In Your Next Chapter?

What’s In Your Next Chapter?

In a recent conversation, an Awesome Aging Woman mentioned that she was concerned because this could be her last chapter. That’s a very exciting topic to explore because whether it’s your last chapter or your last chapter is 5 chapters away, how are you going to live in it. The exciting part is that you, yes YOU, get to create, design, write and edit this chapter. It doesn’t matter which chapter it will be in your story, you have everything you need to make it your best chapter yet!

I know you may be saying, “Renee, my best chapter was when I was 27, and I was blah, blah, blah.” Take a moment to think about your best chapter so far. What was the best thing about it? Was it, the love, the money, the career, the friends, your appearance? Think about who you were inside at that time. Did you truly love yourself unconditionally? Or was your self-love fueled by the things you had? If it was fueled by the “things,” then it’s possible that you are like a drug attic, chasing the repeat of that high. If that is true, I want you to know that you can create a new high that is even better and will not be attached to something or someone. That’s when you can truly live your best life and you can share it without conditions.

Awesome Aging starts with a positive mindset from the inside out. Build your foundation on who you are as a human being. Once you find your inner self-love, you will embrace the freedom that comes with age. You will start caring less about what others think of you and more about how you feel and what you want to experience. That’s when your page will be clear to begin writing your best chapter yet.

Here are a few things to contemplate as you write this next chapter:

  • Embrace your freedom. You can now take your focus off of pleasing others. When you please yourself, you will please others. It’s time to put yourself first. You’ve been second or third, long enough.

  • Complete the circle. We come here as babies, whole and complete. We are free, curious, adventurous, and unstoppable. As we merge into society, we learn to stop at all the yield signs of life. It’s time to go back to the beginning and install more green lights. The difference between then and now is that you gave away some of yourself based on your life experiences. It’s time to take back your power and get back to being whole and complete again.

  • Accept your gifts. Learn to say yes to life. Start by identifying the gift that exists in everything. Yes, there is a gift in everything. Yet, the gift is not always easy to see. Look for it; ask for it; accept it. Gifts are being left for you every day and sometimes you aren’t even opening your mailbox. Open your eyes, your arms, and your heart, and receive the gift that is you. And say yes to trying new things.

  • Create a daily ritual for yourself. It can be anything that supports you in living your best life. Decide on the action(s) you want to take and pick a time of day to create your new habit. Meditation, exercise, gratitude journaling are a few possibilities.

  • Take care of your health. Know your numbers and change the ones you want to change. Blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose, and body mass index are your basics. It’s not much fun living long if you’re not healthy. Your health is your greatest wealth.

Think about these and get started on your next chapter.

If you are challenged by some of these ideas, let me know in the Comments if you would like us to explore some things as a group. In addition, I also offer one-on-one coaching.

Sending you lots of Love & Light,